2cv AZ

€ 9.950,-
Vert Embrun
99.000 km

A 2CV that looks like it just came out of a barn. A barn where it was placed by grandpa Jean-Pierre in the seventies. The car was part of the family and – although defective – was allowed to stay, in a corner, under the hay. Waiting for something. Later. Someday.

A 2CV that looks like it just came out of a barn is the dream of many. To keep that image, as if they themselves had just bought it from Jean-Pierre’s grandson and brought it back to life by inflating the tires, putting in a new battery and driving off the yard with a dash of fresh petrol in the tank.

Of course, it usually takes a bit more to restart that life, but dwelling on that is for the precise. Who also prefer to make it better than new. Not the romantics. They put in a new floorpan, tighten the seats with fresh rubber and replace the roof. And make the drivetrain come alive again.

ecause under the bonnet things are out of sight, everything is allowed here. Some people choose the original set up but polish it, others – like with this car – go for a slightly more usable option, with as much of the looks of the past as possible.

A slightly pepped-up engine, a gearbox with a different transmission ratio, modern drive shafts and 12 Volt electrical system make life more pleasant, even that of a romantic. Starting is easier, approaching 100 as well.

For the precise ones, we have other beautiful 2CVs. For you, with your romantic nature, we have this beauty. With its flaws, but with even more attractions.