€ 9.950,-
98.000 km

André Pezet, a farmer by profession, bought this HY new in ’64. He probably used it on his farm in Savenès near Toulouse. We were unable to find out exactly until when it was used. The registration papers state that it changed owners in 2016 and moved to the Ardèche, where it was purchased by an acquaintance of ours.

Many people would have send it off to be scrapped, after they saw the photos. But we saw its beauty, with its evenly tanned skin, and immediately had it sent on a truck to the Netherlands.

No idea which of the owners was responsible for the paint being burned off by the sun. Maybe both. But it happened in a dry climate so that it did not immediately return to dust. The bus is still surprisingly solid, except for a few spots that can easily remain as they are or can be easily repaired. We would apply some Owatrol on it to preserve it, another similar product or linseed oil is also allowed.

In the Tarn-et Garonne it drove around with its standard 4-cylinder in line, until something went wrong, the block is in parts in the car. That gives the opportunity to look at it with an open mind. Overhaul the existing components, put in a more modern HY set, a Volvo block with 5-speed gearbox and disc brakes or convert it to electric right away. All is possible, we have done it all before. Start the project yourself, or we can do it for you (next year, full schedule).