Ami 8 Berline

€ 8.450,-
Beige Vanneau
44.000 km

This Ami 8’s career began in September ’75 in the Oise department, in Northern France, just above Paris. The maintenance sticker collection under the bonnet shows that it was regularly serviced, each time with fairly small intervals in terms of kilometres. In ’95 35.072, in ’05 41.207km and now 44.170km. Just run in!

In ’08 the car moved to the south, department Herault, number 34, and became part of a large collection near Béziers, where it was joined by dozens of other Amis. It stayed there until 2019, when it went with a few more Amis to North Holland.

Now it has passed through our hands and we have brought this friend back to life. With new tyres, some clean petrol and a battery we had already come a long way, but with attention to the engine and brakes it became really nice.

Due to the limited use in its early life and the periods in the collections, it has been very well preserved. Welding was only necessary on a spot the size of half a credit card on the right floor panel. We are happy to forgive it a few external signs of use, the interior is intact, but the foam has perished.

Well, it is simply ready for a new and active life. We deliver it ready to use and with a Dutch registration.